Friday, June 19, 2009

Season II Quiz VIII Answers

Thanks all 14 stalwars could answer all the four questions correctly. We, at Neo Quiz Spot are delighted by the response of the quizzers. Please feel free to contact us any time with your suggestions. Sorry for the very long hiatus all thanks to our examinations and work conditions.

For all the first time visitors, we will repeat the rules again. The rules and regulations for the challenge are:

Every week we will publish 5 questions on Friday Evening by 5 pm. The last day to send the answers is 25th of June.

1. Whose earliest known pic is this?

2. What was created when King Henry III sowed 3 bean seeds?

3. Identify these two stalwarts. One is "relative" and the other is microscopic

4. Identify this stalwart from India. All i can tell you is that the frame that holds him also holds the clue

5. Identify this "princess"