Friday, April 17, 2009

Season II Quiz VI

Sorry all! We really regret for having not published from past two weeks all thanks to my ill health and exams.

We all in the Neo Quiz Spot Team thank you people for your support. For all the first time visitors, we will repeat the rules again. The rules and regulations for the challenge are:

Every week we will publish 5 questions on Friday Evening by 5 pm. The answers are expected by Tuesday Noon of the following week. The answers and names of the top scorers will be published with in two days that is on Thursday by 5 pm. Please spread the quizzing to as many friends of you as possible. The Entries for this quiz will close on 23rd April by 12 pm. Please send your answers to

1. This American president was a great enthusiast of Bicycling. Being a president he could not bicycle in Washington D.C. This made him an enthusiast of Golf. He commission two agents of secret service to paint the golf balls in Black during winter, so that the golf balls could be found even in Snow. Who is this US President?

2. Identify this epic movie. It is also considered the first Block Buster of Hollywood. It is still regarded as one of the Most Controversial movies ever made.

3. Identify this 'flower' whose murder was a matter of national debate (U.S.) and is considered the first ever media publicised murder of U.S.

4. Connect

5. Identify this famous place which has added to the prosperity of our country and also "brought in" disasters and raiders.